Here I will illustrate the proper format of writing a research proposal..Before starting your research you will have to write a formal proposal , which will have to given to the proper authority or to your faculty. Writing a research proposal is not like writing an application, a research proposal will have to be proper formatted and attractive. Today I am going to give you an example of a research proposal / proposal for survey. Feel free to follow it..
Research Proposal : Preference of the virtual classroom over as usual physical classroom
Date: March 7, 2012
To: Your Faculty Name
From: YOUR NAME ID: YOUR STUDENT ID Eng.: 105 Sec: 10
Subject : Proposal to do a research on the preference of the virtual classroom over as usual physical classroom on students and teachers.
In the recent era of globalization, technological advancement has increased dramatically in every sphere including mainstream education. These advances have introduced new educational nomenclature i.e. “virtual education”, “virtual classroom”, “virtual Universities”, “on line Courses”, “electronic” and “cyberspace institution” etc. Virtual classrooms are becoming more popular these days, due to the fact that they are contributing as a primary solution to the challenges mentioned earlier. Learners and instructors can all connect into a virtual classroom at the same time through various devices like a computer, tablet, smart phone, or even a properly configured television. Combined with other technologies like webcams and VOIP, learners can see and hear in a similar fashion as if they were physically in the same room. This allows for real-time presentations, questions, answers, and peer to peer collaboration. None of the traditional facilitation techniques are lost. Surprisingly, with the use of virtual classroom technology, some of these techniques, like peer to peer interaction, are enhanced. The ability to come together in this virtual way saves organizations tens of thousands of dollars every year.
The focus of my research will be on how the virtual classroom environment effect on our existing education system, on our learning style. Are the students accept this as a catalyst of change? In this very busy world how this system replace our as usual physical classroom environment. A virtual classroom environment successfully mixes up different media inputs i.e., (a) face to face plus virtual classroom which can vary from adding system use to enrich on-campus courses conducted to traditional means; to distance courses where system, use is supplemented by one or two fact-to-face meetings (b) virtual classroom as the sole means of delivery, with the use of print media in the form of text books or course notes, and (c) multi-media i.e., virtual classroom plus video, audio or audio-graphic media. I would like to know how much demanding the solutions to the students. Can it replace the existing system? Or can it be the catalyst of the existing education system? What features do they need in this solution to get the best output? I hope to find answers to such questions through my research work.
In this research I plan to investigate the impact of virtual classroom on the students. My research will address the following research questions:
- What features should be integrated in a virtual classroom?
- What are the advantage having a virtual classroom?
- How virtual classroom can effect on our existing education system?
- Can virtual classroom replace our as usual physical classroom?
- Virtual classroom or physical classroom? Which classroom students prefer most for their learning?
- Can virtual classroom save time and money?
- Is virtual classroom more effective than physical classroom?
- Is virtual classroom can bring the people of the world together?
- How teachers can manage the class easily through virtual classrooms?
Virtual classrooms can be more accessible, flexible and convenient in their approach towards education, students and teachers. From my research I expect to find that student are happy to have a virtual classroom systems besides physical classroom system, may be in future it will replace the existing education system. Virtual learning environment encourages freedom of expression and students are more open to communicate and express opinion and would often thrive in these environments. I think online courses support critical thinking skills, leadership, communication, problem solving and ethics. I believe that the students ‘should prefer the delivery mode and work at their own pace and take time to analyze and synthesize the learning materials. It is obvious that students take online classes because they are able to get the course schedule they want to fulfill the degree requirements. Moreover, multimedia use has made the virtual learning more interesting and lively, thus has paved the way for fulfilling the emerging needs of higher education. I also think that online courses offer more flexibility, convenience and access to students. Virtual classrooms promote collaborative learning attitude among students. Through Web based learning, vast amount of information can be searched, reorganized and downloaded from decentralized worldwide digital libraries. Also the quick delivery feedback ability of the Web can make learning more effective (Liaw 2000). I expect that students and teachers find this future classroom very useful for our education.
For my primary research I will conduct a survey of the students and teachers of various universities in Dhaka. I interview the experts and the teachers and students who are familiar with the term of virtual classroom and find it useful. For a better result I will also do a online survey to many students groups, teacher groups and the alumni groups through different social media. To the end I will design a questionnaire with different types of questions so as to get a range of useful data which will help me to answer my research questions.
For my secondary research, I plan to use the resources of the library. I will also browse the internet and use the standard search engine like google to find many relative journals, articles etc. I also plan to consult with different software companies who are now building this solution.
My paper will be divided into several sections, the most important of which are the Introduction, Comparison, Benefits, Data representation and analysis, and Summary of Findings. Within the sections my organization will be based on my research questions.
I hope to complete my primary research by the end of March, and my secondary research also within this period of time. I shall complete writing the final draft of my research paper by early April, and submit it by the specified deadline towards the end of this semester.
I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish me to modify or improve my proposal , I will submit it after incorporating the necessary changes. I will also be grateful for your advice and help in conducting my research and completing the project.
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